Wednesday, February 20, 2008

HOW I LIVE NOW by Meg Rosoff


This novel depicts a futuristic wartime. When fifteen year-old Daisy's father sends her to England to live with cousins, she is more than happy to escape her nasty stepmother. While Daisy finds real family with her cousins, she bonds almost mystically with cousin Edmond, with whom she also begins a sexual relationship. Then, when enemy forces take over the country, the house is commandeered, and the boy and girl cousins are sent to different homes.

Survival is difficult, and the horror of war touches them all, but Edmond's experience is devastating. Reunited with him well after the conflict, and greatly changed in character and spirit, Daisy describes how she lives now.

Teens are this book's intended audience. Though Daisy and Edmond's relationship might be considered incestuous and some adults might be alarmed that a 15 yer-old is having sex at all, teen girls seem likely to devour Daisy's story.

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