Monday, February 4, 2008

A MARRIAGE MADE IN WOODSTOCK by Cathie Pelletier, 1994


Frederick Stone has contentedly mutated from poetic hippie to accountant, a 44-year old who crunches every number from frequency of razor usage to the number of millmeters his hairline has receded in one week. His soul mate, alas, is no longer his wife and fellow Woodstock veteran, Chandra (changed from Lorraine 20 years earlier), but his computer. Chandra, when not conduct "Seminars of the Mind," still throws herself into all the boycotts and protests going. Early on in the story she moves out, leaving the decidely non-introspective Frederick to contemplate the gulf between the youthful self who waded in the Woodstockian mud and the middle-aged bean counter who faces lif3e alone and divorced.

Pelletier's writing is as usual colorful and funny, but don't expect the boisterous romp of The Funeral Makers. Folks of Frederick's generation can relate.

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